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R U L E S - 2018
edited: July 2, 2021
Official Extreme Dodgeball Rules Collins Aerospace Recreation Center 2017
The Team - Teams will consist of 8 to 10 players. Games will begin with 6 active teammates. Extra players will NOT play in the current game until a substitute is needed. Note that in 3 team format, the non-playing team serves as moderators (see Competition Format below for more information).
The Field - A basketball court (full-court) will be used for each match. The walls and nets will serve as the outer boundaries. The double gray lines closest to the 3-point arc will form the attack lines.
The Equipment - Each game will use 6 dodge balls. Each ball is 8.25 inches in diameter and made of dense foam rubber.
The Game - The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players with the dodgeballs by putting them OUT. This is done by:
1. Hitting an opposing player with a LIVE thrown ball BELOW THE NECK. EFFECT: The player is OUT if the ball is not caught. EXCEPTION: The thrower is OUT if the thrown ball contacts the player's head, unless the player dives or ducks. In this case, the player is OUT and the thrower is not.
2. Catching a thrown ball from an opponent. EFFECT: The thrower is OUT.
3. An opponent's thrown ball knocks a player's held ball to the floor or another object before regaining possession. EFFECT: The player is OUT.
4. A ball deflecting off a held ball is no longer a LIVE ball unless it is caught by the same player. EFFECT: The thrower is OUT.
5. If a player's entire foot crosses over the attack line into the opponents territory, the player will be OUT. If any part of the foot is touching the line, there is no foul.
6. A player may possess more than 1 ball at a time.
Safety Rules - As with every sport, there is always risk involved for injuries to occur. Make safety the most important priority during action. Please be mindful of an attack on a defenseless player, such as somebody in an unsuspecting or awkward position. No win is worth the expense of an injured player.
1. A player may deflect a thrown ball approaching his/her head with hands or arms, without penalty of being put OUT. EFFECT: The ball is immediately dead upon deflection, and the thrower is OUT.
2. When a player has been put out, the player should raise his/her hand immediately to indicate they are out and are surrendering to the sidelines.
3. If a head or face shot occurs, ALL play should STOP immediately until the player is attended to, or gives a verbal OK. A teammate or monitor should verbally signal STOP PLAY so no more throws occur. If needed, the monitors should make a decision on how the situation should be best handled.
4. A player re-entering may not be put out immediately. The re-entering player should raise his/her hand to signal that they are not a target and proceed directly to the back wall. Upon touching the back wall, action with the player may begin.
5. Loose jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or chains must be removed prior to active play.Stalling Penalty - If one team has control of all of the balls for more than five seconds all of the balls must be rolled across the floor for the other team’s possession (5 seconds can be counted aloud as 1-banana ... 2-banana ... etc.
6. Any player intentionally kicking a ball during play will be disqualified from the game. This is NOT a kicking sport!
Player Back In - If a ball is caught as a result of a throw from a player on the opposing team, the thrower is OUT, and one player from the team that caught the ball is allowed back on the court. Players must return to play in the same order that they got put OUT. The re-entering player must touch the back wall before any action can begin with the player.
All Players Back In - All teammates may return to active play if a basket is made in the opposing team's hoop. If the shot misses and is caught before it touches the floor or wall, the shooter is OUT.
The Rush - The game begins by placing 6 dodge balls evenly spread along the center-line. Players stand with one hand touching their back boundary wall. Following the shouted signal DODGEBALL, teams rush the center-line to retrieve the balls. Once a ball is retrieved, it must be taken behind the gray attack lines before it can be legally thrown. During the Rush, a player may NOT step over the center line while trying to retrieve a ball. A player may reach over, but not touch the floor across the center line. As with the attack line, a part of the foot must remain in contact with the center line. If the foot is entirely over the line, the player will be OUT.
The Match - Continuous games will be played during the established match duration (40-minutes for 2-team match-ups). Wins and losses will be marked [X] for each team immediately after each game. Games will be limited to 6 minutes. However, a 10-second possession-to-throw will be enforced when a team is down to 2 players remaining. When a ball is being held, seconds may be counted off by the opposite team as 1-banana ... 2-banana, etc until 10 seconds expire. If a player has not thrown the ball after 10-banana has been reached, one player will be declared OUT.
Competition Format, 2 or 3 team match-ups - In 2 team format, at least 1 extra player from each team IS REQUIRED to sit out and monitor the current game.
In 3 team format, 3 teams will be assigned to each court for round-robin play. Teams will take turns playing each other, and the odd team out will monitor the current game.
Etiquette - Players should fairly referee themselves. BE HONEST! When a player knows he/she is OUT, the player must leave the floor immediately and not help or interfere with ongoing play in any way. IT IS NOT THE MONITOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO TELL YOU TO LEAVE THE FLOOR... IT IS YOURS! When a monitor must make a decision on a borderline play, please respect the decision.
Dodgeball League Postponed
by: Hannah Christensen
posted: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Due to the lack of Teams signed up, we are going to Cancel this season of Dodgeball League.
Be on the look-out for a possible one day tournament this winter!
Sign-Up Information
by: Hannah Christenseen
posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Please sign up your team by filling out a 'Team Registration Form'
Once your team is signed up, provide each player with the password, they will use this password to join your team.
Dodgeball Player Sign-up: $5
After signing up, if you are not currently a Collins Aerospace Rec Center Member, stop in at the Rec Center and sign-up for a Membership which will be $20 for the duration of the league. Please let them know that you are a part of the dodgeball league and they will confirm with the roster.
Don't have a team?
Sign up at the bottom of this page to be added to the list of 'Players In Search Of A Team'
by: Kendra Vick
posted: Friday, July 2, 2021
Returning this fall !!!
Dodgeball League
Watch for details in the August member newsletter.
New League Coordinator
by: Laura
posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Dodgeball League Coordinator: Hannah Christensen
email: hannah.christensen@collins.com
Work Phone: 319-263-0772 - (for questions, email or call)
What if?
by: Tanner Sather
posted: Thursday, June 13, 2019
Q1: If at the start of a game I run up for a ball, but haven't gotten back across the no throw zone yet, I can't get out right?
A1: Wrong, you are fair game as soon as your opponent's ball is taken behind the double gray attack lines.
Q2: Can I catch my own tip?
A2: Yes, you may catch your own tip and the thrower will be OUT. However, if the ball contacts ANYTHING else before you gain control, you are OUT. Even if your teammate catches your tip, you are still OUT (and your opponent is NOT OUT).
Q3: What happens if I step on the opponents attack line?
A3: As long as you have any part of your foot touching the line, there is no violation. If your foot is completely over the line, you are OUT. Additionally, you may reach across the line to grab a ball, but no contact with the floor may be made.
Q4: Can more than one player be put OUT with the same thrown ball?
A4: No.
Q5: Besides catching a ball, is there another way for a teammate to re-enter after they are OUT?
A5: Yes there is a special rule in the league that allows all teammates to re-enter if a basket is made in the opponents hoop.
*** However, if the shot misses and the rebounded ball is caught before it contacts the floor, the shooter is OUT. Catching the ball after it goes through the hoop makes no difference (the ball is considered dead at this point).
Q6: As a player re-enters from the sideline, are they fair game immediately?
A6: No. The re-entering player should raise a hand to indicate they are NOT a target (and are re-entering), and with no delay, interference, or help, proceed directly to the back wall. Upon the player touching the back wall, re-entry is complete and game action with the player may begin.
Q7: If a thrown ball deflects off a held ball, is it dead?
A7: In all but one case, the answer is yes. The only case is if the ball is caught by the player that deflected it with the held ball, then the thrower is OUT.
Q8: What happens if a held ball is dislodged as a result from a thrown ball by an opponent.
A8: If the player's held ball contacts the floor, wall, net, another player, etc., then that player is OUT. If the player regains control before any contact, then the thrower is OUT.
Q9: Can a team control all balls and place one as bait in the opponents zone with no penalty?
A9: No. The 5-Second-All-Ball rule still comes into effect since the team still has control of all balls. If 5-seconds are counted off with no action, the controlling team must roll all balls to the other team. The controlling team may roll a single ball to an opponent, so long as it occurs within the 5-seconds, but may not throw until possession is made (for safety purposes).
Q10: How is a face or head shot handled?
A10: If a head or face shot occurs, ALL play should STOP immediately until the player is attended to, or gives a verbal OK. A teammate or monitor should verbally signal STOP PLAY so no more throws occur. If the thrower knows it was a high throw, heshe should voluntarily go to the sidelines. Otherwise, the monitors should make a decision as to how the situation should be best handled.
Q11: Why can't I step over the center line during the rush? That's part of our attack zone?
A11: This rule was incorporated for safety purposes. There were too many collisions occurring during the rush, and this forces the players to slow down while they are converging at high speed.
Players In Search Of A Team - Fall 2021
Andrew De Venezia
Jonathan Hoss
Ralph Kramdon
Mickey Mouse
Jesse Schultz
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